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Have you ever wondered how BOLD you should be with your style? You know you want to wear something that makes you stand out and support your bigger message, but you’re a bit uncertain whether it will translate well with your audience and colleagues. I’ll say that’s how many speakers feel. As seen, the typical colors worn […]
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Right after the “You got the job” email, your next thought is “what to wear,” and for most women, their work wardrobe includes the stale and outdated – navy, beige, black, and white color palette. Then after one year on the job, your creativity, motivation, productivity, and confidence suffers, not because you aren’t great at […]
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Real talk, if the reason you’re not dressing well, is because you think you need Beyonce kind of money. I’m here to tell you that looking expensive with the budget you have right now is easier than you think. It’s about knowing what looks tacky and avoid buying them- Period. 5 Ways to Look Expensive […]
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Do you have that one colleague that can do no wrong with her style? You’re secretly trying to get the tea on why she always looks so effortless in E-V-E-R-YT-H-I-N-G she wears? Well, I’ve got the secret for you- the reason why sis always looks so flawless is *wait for it*; her clothes FITS her […]